Security Screening under the Security Protection Act – 2024

Article in UrT 2024, No. 4.

The Public Procurement Law Journal is distributed directly to subscribers and is also available online via Karnov.

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Securityprotection and security protected procurement -

New Title 2022 (Only in Swedish)

An increasing proportion of Activities of National importance are carried out by Private Actors. This means that the Control of the Public Actors responsible for Security Protection must be shared with Private Operators. 

This book deals with Security protection and Secure Procurement.

The process is described, från the basic security analyze to Security Protection Agreement and follow ups with the Supplier to ensure Security Protection during and after the Procurement.

A Supplier should maintain the same level of security protection that the Authorities themselves maintains. This book is an insight to how this process can be handled. 

The during 2021 and 2022 updated Rules and the practial processes are described here. 

The book can be ordered from JURE publishers.

Click on the book to order.

Säkerhetsskyddet och upphandlande myndigheter - 2022 Artikel i UrT 2022 nr 3.

Security protection and contracting authorities - 2022 Article in UrT 2022 no. 3.

The procurement law journal is partly published directly to subscribers, and is also available online at Karnov.

To read the article, only in Swedish, please subscribe to UrT or Karnov.

Security-protected procurement - New Edition (in Swedish)

An increasing proportion of Activities of National importance are carried out by Private Actors. This means that the Control of the Public Actors responsible for Security Protection must be shared with Private Operators. This development, in turn, has placed increased Demands on the Contracting Authorities to ensure that Security-relevant Information is not passed on to unauthorized Persons. This work was carried out gradually over several years, and as early as 2014 MSB carried out a study on how the Procurement as part of the Procurement Process could include increased robustness.

This book deals with Secure Procurement. A contracting Authority must for example analyze the protective values ​​contained in the Procurement. The Authority must then signs a Security Protection Agreement with the Supplier to ensure Security Protection during and after the Procurement. The idea is that the Supplier should maintain the same level of Data protection that the Agency itself maintains.

The during end of 2020, beginning of 2021 updated Rules are described here. 

Security-protected procurement (in Swedish)

An increasing proportion of socially important activities are carried out by private actors. This means that the control of the public actors responsible for security protection must be shared with the private operators. This development, in turn, has placed increased demands on the contracting authorities to ensure that security-relevant information is not passed on to unauthorized persons. This work was carried out gradually over several years, and as early as 2014 MSB carried out a study on how the procurement as part of the procurement process could include increased robustness.

This book deals with secure procurement. Here, the contracting authority analyzes the protective values ​​contained in the procurement. The authority then signs a security protection agreement with the supplier to ensure security protection during procurement. The idea is that the supplier should maintain the same level of data protection that the agency itself maintains.

The new rules are described here, ie the operator must ensure that the personnel of a supplier with whom the operator has concluded a security protection agreement has the necessary and sufficient knowledge in the area of ​​security protection. This should be done through staff training. This also applies to the agency's staff.

Environmental and Social Aspects in Public Procurement (in Swedish)

Public procurement has a turnover of around SEK 600 billion / year in Sweden and over EUR 2 billion in the EU. The contracting authorities have a great chance of using this taxpayer money in such a way that environmental and social aspects are taken into account. This book was created for two purposes and consists of two parts. The first part provides a political background and a legal review of the legal situation as well as the increasing opportunities to include ecological and social aspects in public procurement.

The second part is intended to serve as a practical guide for authorities working on the implementation of sustainable procurement, ie procurement that takes environmental and social aspects into account. Here you will find a description of how you work with ecological and social considerations in practice and how you can turn political goals into reality. In this part, the book is based on the procurement process and deals with the way in which a contracting authority should appropriately use environmentally and socially responsible procurement. of organizational conditions, needs and market analysis, how requirements are set and finally how these requirements should be properly followed up. It also describes in more detail the conditions that apply in the industries with the greatest environmental impact. The book is aimed at decision-makers, procurement managers, buyers, suppliers, lawyers and, last but not least, as course literature for students of public procurement.

The book can be ordered from JURE publishers.

Click on the book to order.

Strategic Public Procurement (in Swedish)

Strategic goals can be achieved through public procurement. It is something that is clear to many today. However, the requirements for strategic work can become too high if the company is not organized for it, especially for smaller contracting authorities with few resources. For some, working strategically can mean a new approach; for others, the whole company has to change. It is therefore of great importance that procurement issues are discussed in management groups so that there is a mandate to change the business.

This book shows how you can strategize to be successful with this change. how to get from management to business development. The book deals with questions such as how business should be organized, how changes should be anchored and communicated, and how the right strategic and operational conditions can be created for each individual procurement.

Each chapter closes with a practical example from the municipality of Växjö, where the procurement unit has changed from an administrative unit to a strategic purchasing organization directly under the municipal administration.

Here you will find lots of ideas and tips on how to drive public procurement forward.

The book can be ordered from JURE publishers.

Click on the book to order.