We assist in reviewing and establishing Contracts. Through our experience of working in various industries from IT to Construction, we can help you develop a good business agreement for your business.


We are your best partner in the tender submission - we know how to win public contracts.

You have the best understanding of your own business - our job is to help you show this - in writing - to the authority in a winning way.

Over the years, we have helped everything from international companies to small and medium-sized players to submit winning bids. Our toolbox for making winning bids can make the difference of winning or loosing. 


We are happy to answer your questions - get in touch when you are thinking about something! We provide ongoing advice and provide tips, investigate legal issues and give you advice for your business. No question is too small or too simple - even the small questions can have great significance for your business. Many obstacles can be avoided if you know what applies in advance, which saves both time and costs for you.


Knowledge of the rules saves both time and money. Therefore, it can be a good idea to learn more about how procurement is done, how to think and what to focus on when submitting tenders. If you already know the basics - then it can be interesting to get a deeper understanding of procurement law.

We hold training at all levels of knowledge: for beginners and experienced suppliers, for small and large authorities. Our educations must be relevant and current. The procurement rules are constantly evolving. We start from both current and common questions when we determine the content of our educations.



We strive to make our work bring as much benefit to our clients as possible. Review is not always the best way forward.

We always analyze and present the conditions and alternatives to a court process before we recommend proceeding with a review.

If we believe that an obstacle can best be solved without a court process, we will tell you about it. We help you to find the information for making the right decision.